Editorial Emanati
I. VIRGINIA MAKES PLAYBOY MAGAZINE: Yes believe it ornot my trip back to the Inst. of Sex Research last Dee. had an unexpected result. An article appeared in the September 1965 issue dealing with the Institute. In referring to interesting events and people Virginia got mentioned in a couple of paragraphs at the bottom of page 196 if any of you want to look it up. It was a favorable commentary and provided some more educa- tion for the cause since it emphasized that TViem was not necessarily associated with homosexuality. It's only anachronism was to say that Virginia was happily married. Well I was for about 10 years so I guess those years outnumber the bad ones since.
II. THE HAWAIIAN TALK: Although there was a possib- ility that the press would have caught my talk in Hawaii it turned out that nobody from the news ser- vices was around. However one of our number in Hono- lulu turned the story over to one of the local report- ers after I had gone and it got a little play locally. Well, I guess every little bit helps. Incidentally, the paper which I read which contains the results of the questionaire circulated a year or 80 ago is avail- able in mimeographed form at $2. each. I havent had too many printed up so if you are interested please ask for one promptly. Order directly from Chevalier Pubs. Box 36091 Los Angeles 36, Calif. This should provide some very good statistical arguments in your discussione with wives, parents or others whom you are trying to educate. For that matter it is educational to the TV himsèf so if you participated in the quest- ionaire or not you will want to see the results. It is 18 pages long regular typing paper size single space. III. LECTURE LEAFLET REMENDER: While talking of pub- licity and education etc. Let me remind you again